Will Soon Be Graduating From High School This means, in some small measure, I have successfully managed to get him through 12 years of school and to the age of 18 alive. No small accomplishment, that. Today he called for a ride home after he rode the bus most of the way to our house. As it was about 90 degrees outside, I obliged. I'm a good mom, plus it got me out of a very hot house and into the sweet deliciousness of my air conditioned vehicle. My oldest and youngest daughters went along for the ride and they spotted The Boy before I did. "What's up with his pants?" Indeed. The operative word for his pants was up . He wears those extremely skinny jeans and he'd rolled them up to about knee level and he was walking towards us with a grimace on his face. He was in pain. You see, five hours earlier, in the throes of near heat exhaustion, he rolled the legs of his pants up and then his legs swelled up. He was unable to remove his own pants or roll down what he...
A wife, a mother, a Humor Columnist, Chef, Sea Glass jewelry maker and Author's babblings on life. It's like this...
Tell her my 14-year-old does not have her ears pierced. She still isn't mature enough...:)
ReplyDeleteI allowed my nearly ten year old to get hers done and she's done just fine with them. The main problem is that my little one doesn't have use of her right hand so she wouldn't be the one cleaning and changing her ear rings. I would. Yay me!
ReplyDeleteBut she's still not mature enough. I'm not sure I'm mature enough! :grin:
oh god, tell her that the younger you are when you get them pierced, the bigger the holes get when you age. and the lobes stretch. show her a picture of buddha. show her the lobes. the longer she waits, the less likely she'll look like buddha in drag.
ReplyDelete::chuckle at "Buddha in drag"::
ReplyDeleteDon't give in! Stand tough, Mom! I have this conversation with my daughter every so often too.
also, people who have piercings usually don't stamp their feet and pout. and the ones that do, look a lot sillier while doing so...
ReplyDeleteMy experience of little girsl getting their ears pierced is that they promptly forget to put the earrings in which means the hole grows closed and then they have to get them pierced again. And again. And again. And again.
ReplyDeleteI told her that leaving the holes without earings in them causes them to grow back and then when you try to put earings in them, it hurts I told her I knew this because I had done this myself.
ReplyDeleteHer eyes got big. I'm hoping that's put her off it for now. I'd try the whole 'Buddha in drag' thing on her, but she wouldn't get it. Too funny though!
Her expression in the picture says it all!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter (now 18 and well beyond my control) was in Grade 5 or 6 when she went on her "I gotta get my ears pierced" rant.
Conformity and being cool the important things they are at that age, I told her when she could give me the names of half the girls in her class who had it done, then she could.
within without~ I did the same thing, only I told my daughter that tomorrow I was going to show up at her school and ask all the girls in her class to show me their ear lobes. She had a fit over that one.
ReplyDeleteShe backed down of course. No one wants me to show up at school in my bunny slippers!