Or so I believe.
I'm unbelievable tired right now so don't expect witty from me in this post. Expect the opposite with lots of spelling and grammatical errors tossed in for good measure. Lance will read this tomorrow and correct my mistakes.
Off to the hospital and waiting for the therapists to show up. Last night Ash got a pretty green addition to her cast---green duct tape!

Then it was off in the elevator with her pal and fellow CIT camper, Devon.

Hubby and I took off for the parent resource room where I'd managed to secure him a massage for his birthday after all. Well, a day late but hey. She said we could split it in half--half for me, half for him, but I said no. He needed it and I wanted him to feel good.
After things were getting near the end we went downstairs to secure a table in the cafeteria because that place is insane at noon. Lance held on to the table while I went to check on Ashley. She was painting!

I could tell they'd been drawing before that because there were drawings covering the entire room.
I'll post some of those later.
For now....here are more painting pics


There are more but I can't find them. I'll get them later.
We got a table because cousin Trudy came to see us and give Lance a sweet birthday present. We all enjoyed a bit of lunch and then Ashley got comfy with her daddy.

It was wonderful to see Trudi---we need to see her more often. I feel badly that we don't spend enough time with family. Well, some parts of family.
At any rate, it was off to home, then laundry and dishes and cooking and then to Young Women's at church and meeting up with my brother to put some oil in the suburban and well...I'm tired.
I'm unbelievable tired right now so don't expect witty from me in this post. Expect the opposite with lots of spelling and grammatical errors tossed in for good measure. Lance will read this tomorrow and correct my mistakes.
Off to the hospital and waiting for the therapists to show up. Last night Ash got a pretty green addition to her cast---green duct tape!

Then it was off in the elevator with her pal and fellow CIT camper, Devon.

Hubby and I took off for the parent resource room where I'd managed to secure him a massage for his birthday after all. Well, a day late but hey. She said we could split it in half--half for me, half for him, but I said no. He needed it and I wanted him to feel good.
After things were getting near the end we went downstairs to secure a table in the cafeteria because that place is insane at noon. Lance held on to the table while I went to check on Ashley. She was painting!

I could tell they'd been drawing before that because there were drawings covering the entire room.
I'll post some of those later.
For now....here are more painting pics


There are more but I can't find them. I'll get them later.
We got a table because cousin Trudy came to see us and give Lance a sweet birthday present. We all enjoyed a bit of lunch and then Ashley got comfy with her daddy.

It was wonderful to see Trudi---we need to see her more often. I feel badly that we don't spend enough time with family. Well, some parts of family.
At any rate, it was off to home, then laundry and dishes and cooking and then to Young Women's at church and meeting up with my brother to put some oil in the suburban and well...I'm tired.
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