Big changes on the way in my life....but we'll get to those another time.
For now, I wanted to show you about our weekend. On Friday afternoon we made a spur of the moment decision to drive down to Ocean Shores and spend the night. My father and my sister, with her two girls and my Ally, had spent the entire week camping down there. So we packed up the suburban and drove south.
Ashley slept in Julie's trailer, Lance and I slept on an air mattress in the back of our suburban. We slept in our jeans, socks and hoodie sweat shirts because it was cold. Yes, I said COLD! Amazingly chilly and we were loving it. Here's my adorable hubby in his hoodie.

This is one of the beaches we played at on Sunday.

You may recall from a different posting last spring that we visited this beach once before. Lance helped the girls climb up to some little caves carved into the side of the hill.

Here's another view from the other side of our ride.

Here is my Ashley, Nicole, Ally and Jessica hugging at the beach.

We had a good time. Especially at the campground on Saturday. You see my sister, in all her wisdom, brought her two kittens with her to the beach. She got annoyed with them and made them stay in her van, along with their kitty litter box and their bag of kitty litter. On Saturday morning it was discovered that the kittens had ripped into the kitty litter bag, strewing the pebbly stuff all over the inside of the van. As they were well trained kittens, in that they always used kitty litter to do their pooping in, they thought that the enire van was now their kitty litter box
My sister was not amused.

She had to climb inside to clean.

Now every time we see her van, we've promised to Meow at her. We don't think she'll be taking kittens to the beach again any time soon.
For now, I wanted to show you about our weekend. On Friday afternoon we made a spur of the moment decision to drive down to Ocean Shores and spend the night. My father and my sister, with her two girls and my Ally, had spent the entire week camping down there. So we packed up the suburban and drove south.
Ashley slept in Julie's trailer, Lance and I slept on an air mattress in the back of our suburban. We slept in our jeans, socks and hoodie sweat shirts because it was cold. Yes, I said COLD! Amazingly chilly and we were loving it. Here's my adorable hubby in his hoodie.

This is one of the beaches we played at on Sunday.

You may recall from a different posting last spring that we visited this beach once before. Lance helped the girls climb up to some little caves carved into the side of the hill.

Here's another view from the other side of our ride.

Here is my Ashley, Nicole, Ally and Jessica hugging at the beach.

We had a good time. Especially at the campground on Saturday. You see my sister, in all her wisdom, brought her two kittens with her to the beach. She got annoyed with them and made them stay in her van, along with their kitty litter box and their bag of kitty litter. On Saturday morning it was discovered that the kittens had ripped into the kitty litter bag, strewing the pebbly stuff all over the inside of the van. As they were well trained kittens, in that they always used kitty litter to do their pooping in, they thought that the enire van was now their kitty litter box
My sister was not amused.

She had to climb inside to clean.

Now every time we see her van, we've promised to Meow at her. We don't think she'll be taking kittens to the beach again any time soon.
Pammy, you're a naughty journalist using a huge hook like that to keep us coming back. I hope it's nice stuff up ahead. x.
ReplyDeleteOMG! I love cats but they are not good car animals! How cool are those pictures of the caves! Sounds like you had a great time.
ReplyDeleteWith all due respect, Pam, soundslikeyouhadagreattimeontheweekendbutwhatwasthatfirstgraf.
ReplyDeleteA great time on the weel?
ReplyDeleteI'll be needing an explanation of that one.
ReplyDeleteUm... I never ever promised not to post this on my blog sistah.
ReplyDeleteOr we could just call it even, after you and hubby told Dad about our suburban when I specifically asked you not to. Yes, that's it. Sounds good, right? Even?