Will Soon Be Graduating From High School This means, in some small measure, I have successfully managed to get him through 12 years of school and to the age of 18 alive. No small accomplishment, that. Today he called for a ride home after he rode the bus most of the way to our house. As it was about 90 degrees outside, I obliged. I'm a good mom, plus it got me out of a very hot house and into the sweet deliciousness of my air conditioned vehicle. My oldest and youngest daughters went along for the ride and they spotted The Boy before I did. "What's up with his pants?" Indeed. The operative word for his pants was up . He wears those extremely skinny jeans and he'd rolled them up to about knee level and he was walking towards us with a grimace on his face. He was in pain. You see, five hours earlier, in the throes of near heat exhaustion, he rolled the legs of his pants up and then his legs swelled up. He was unable to remove his own pants or roll down what he...
I'm here! Honest. I am. I'm not an illusion but a real live person.
ReplyDeleteThe people who wrote that article should just shush.
ReplyDeleteObviously written by a wannabe blogger that withered at the first insincere sneer from Vicus. Clearly no British backbone.
ReplyDeleteStay here, Pammy. Do NOT deflect to Wikiwhatsits. Tom couldn't take it. We couldn't be doing with it. And I'd have no-one to direct my nipples at ( I know that should have read 'at whom to direct my nipples' to be grammatically correct but what sort of sucker would fancy such a mouthful?)
Pammy, do NOT stop blogging, we need you. Also, I tried to leave a voice message but when I called the number it gave me another number for customer service? Sorry, I seem to be challenged in a lot of areas.
ReplyDeleteTry again C!!! I'd love to hear your voice.
ReplyDeleteTry again C!!! I'd love to hear your voice.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I checked back on this post. I will try, Pamela. Not right now as I have macaroni about to boil but within the next few days.
ReplyDeleteHang in there, lass, the low bits are what make the good bits so good xx
What a funny out of touch article! To each their own, I always say...