Yesterday the school nurse called to say that Ally wasn't feeling too well. Her legs were weak and they felt tingly all over. She also had a headache. Lance picked her up and brought her home. Today we went up to Seattle to have some tests run. One of which was another blood draw. Her veins tend to roll and it's hard to get at them on the first try. I felt so badly for her.
We don't know what is going on with her right now. They did x-rays of her spine, blood and urine tests. The blood tests were to check for enzymes that tell the docs what her muscles are up to. I'm waiting for them to call me....and tell me where to go from here.
Today is also Christopher's 15th birthday. I can't believe he's that old. He desperately wants a dirt bike but that's probably not going to happen right now. His daddy got him two hours of ground school and two hours of flight instruction at the little airport near our home. He's going to love that!
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