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Someone must have been listening to Chris' prayer last night. We got snow, school was cancelled but we didn't lose power as he'd also requested, thank goodness.

Ally and Ashley out in front of the house.

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Ash with the neighbor's doggie Drake. He's so cute!

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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....

And now the temperatures will be in the teens the rest of the week. Fun! I didn't get to go to the gym this morning but I'm going tomorrow if I have to ski there.


  1. We got snow too, but man are the road crews good here, no way we were getting a snow day!

  2. Two flakes fall and the entire known universe (aka The Seattle/Tacoma Metro area) goes into spasm and nearly calls out the national guard.

    I tell ya. People

  3. Tell your kids they can come up here anytime and take some of our snow home with them.

    Or they can just do snow angels.

  4. My children would LOVE that! We've taken them to Whistler skiing and they fell in love with the place.

    Oh Canada....

  5. yes, the kiddos are happy,
    the snow is beautiful, but enough already! when will we have a full week of school?!!
    ski to the gym? that's dedication.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. We don't have that much snow just now here in Finland. My kids miss skiing, skating and snow angel making, but I think we don't get any snow this year...

  8. Send some of that down here. It is in the 60's and I hate it!

    Also, do the interview! All publicity is good.


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