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"We Need to Talk About Kevin"

Do you ever take on the mood of something you're reading?

I do. Unfortunately. Or fortunately, depending upon the material I'm mentally consuming.

Right now I'm reading We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver.

It came out five years ago and I never heard a word about it. I wonder if it was due to it's dark material.... I don't know.

The book is written in letters by Eva to her husband. Their son committed mass murder at his high school, an event that Eva refers to only as Thursday. I've not finished it yet---but I will. Her thoughts on getting pregnant and bringing home her son are confusing to me. I know everyone is different and though we may experience the same things (childbirth), not everyone processes those same experiences in the same manner. We don't react in similiar ways----but her feelings and thoughts on this matter are foreign to me.

Oh, not the tiredness, but the resentment she seems to have over this child who took her body from her, who took her career from her and who eventually became a wedge of discontent between herself and her husband.

My own experiences in this area, while painful and not without some emotional trauma, were quite different. I looked upon each tiny bundle placed in my arms as miracles. Four delicate and beautiful miracles---their beauty and innocence resonated within me and it felt as though heaven was within my reach. So close I could touch it.

So while I'm finding this novel interesting, I'm not sure I'd say I was enjoying it. I will say that it's making me think.


  1. speaking of taking on the feelings of characters in books...The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. My friend, Becky (NO, IT IS NOT ME), recommended the first of this series for a book club and it flew into popularity...Anyway, in the second book, my friend was very upset with Edward and one night her husband came home later than usual and she went off on him, a little....he asked her what was wrong, as this was very out of character for her...her reply? "Oh, nothing, I'm just mad at Edward" His reply, "Becky, put down the book" This story has been a great source of laughter for the almost 2 years since!

  2. speaking of taking on the feelings of characters in books...The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. My friend, Becky (NO, IT IS NOT ME), recommended the first of this series for a book club and it flew into popularity...Anyway, in the second book, my friend was very upset with Edward and one night her husband came home later than usual and she went off on him, a little....he asked her what was wrong, as this was very out of character for her...her reply? "Oh, nothing, I'm just mad at Edward" His reply, "Becky, put down the book" This story has been a great source of laughter for the almost 2 years since!

  3. It sounds as if she projected all of that resentment onto the boy..who in turn knew he was unwanted...and vented his megalomania by murdering innocent normal kids.

    This world would have been far better off without both of them..I'm sure that the father was no gem either.

    Here endeth my rush-to-judgement synopsis.

  4. Thanks for an interesting review--and a fascinating blog.

    You might like to take a peek at the contest running on my blog this week and next. It's for a signed copy of H. B. Moore's latest novel, "Abinadi." Wonderful book!

  5. Rebecca--that is too funny. I've had the same experience with my husband. It's amazing to know that what we take in mentally does affect us in other ways.

    Donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (I love Ns) your rush to judgement synopsis may not be far off the mark---though through her writing I'm seeing a child that appears to be abnormal and vindictive from birth, in her eyes. I can't fathom a child born with those attributes.

    Hi Anne, thanks for visiting. I'll toddle over and check out your blog and promotion.


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