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Politics, Pernicious People, and Pus

First, politics. Ugh. I will be doing a happy dance once this election cycle has completed itself. I post at some forums (have my own private forum with friends I've had for years) and occasionally venture out into the Internets reading other boards and posting a bit.

Bad idea. Did you know there are mean and nasty people out there? Why yes. Yes there are. And Politics only causes them to ratchet up their mean. Big time. Ugly time.

Ick. They pick on people who are nice and can't defend themselves and well, that brings out the bad side of me. I jumped into the fray and regret it. Those people aren't worth my fonts, pixels or bandwidth. I don't care if you believe Bush is the spawn of Satan or that Obama is a Muslim plant bent on destroying our way of life, whether or not you endorse gay marriage or unions between a man and his pet pot bellied pig---the venom that is spewed by both sides makes me ill. And brings out the worst in me as well. I've decided to walk away from it because I don't like myself when I get caught up in that garbage. Plus, there is a little band of jr. high-like girls out there who honestly don't have a clue about things and I'd rather not stoop down to their level of stupidity. Those are the Pernicious People.

Now, on to the Pus. You may think that's part and parcel of the politics, but no. This is something entirely different. This involves The Boy.

Yesterday he got his stitches removed from the slicing-and-dicing of his foot. It wasn't pretty. As we were sitting in the examining room, I decided to pull out my book and read a little. I haven't had much chance to read and thought it would pass the time nicely.

Suddenly I was smelling something nasty. Awful. Putrid. I turned my head towards the odor and caught my son holding up his ugly smelly foot and blowing the stench in my direction. Deliberately. At me.

"Is it rank mom?" he asked with undisguised teenage glee.

"Yes, very."

The doc came in and asked my two girls if they wanted to pull out some of The Boy's sutures. Ally cringed and turned white. Ashley shrugged and said sure! I got all squicked out just knowing there was to be suture-pulling. I couldn't watch.

Dr. Newell snipped and Ashley pulled them out.


There were a couple of sutures through the toenail and the doc yanked those out himself. I've never heard Chris scream like that before.


It was ugly.

However, I think I'd rather watch sutures being removed than listen to any more political drivel from mean people.


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