It's been an eventful week here in my little corner of the world. The picture is now what I see out of my bedroom window now that the trees are gone. The logs have been hauled away by logging trucks and now there are machines pushing all the debris into big piles. I wonder if they are going to burn them? I better make sure I've got marshmallows on hand for the big barbecue!
My son injured himself. Again. This time we thought he'd broken his foot skateboaring. After the requisit expensive doctor visit and the even more expensive x-rays of his foot, it was deteremined that he'd merely sprained it.
"Oh boy! Now I can go skating this weekend!"
"No, you can't. Crutches for at least a week and no snowboarding or skating for three weeks or more"
Thank goodness it was the doctor telling him that and not me. As his parent I have no credibility in anything important. Oh, I'm fine for cooking and chauffering around, but anything else isn't in the picture. I'm waiting till he's 20 and realizes that he doesn't actually know everything. I want to be there to see the light dawn on his face.
It's only been three days and already my macho son has decided that the crutches aren't necessary. A freind told me I should pimp out his crutches to make them more acceptably cool to use. It's an idea.
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