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Woooo Hooooo!

Just got the news that Boeing is going to lay off 4,500 workers. Initial layoff notices go out on February 20th.

Not that, you know, it's a big thing.

Piece of cake. We've been down this road before.

It's a lovely drive. Plenty of potholes, dead ends and most of the bridges are out but isn't that way of things? You just have to learn to navigate around the obstacles and make sure you stop to notice the scenery. It can still be beautiful.


  1. Oh man...good luck!!

  2. At least you are focusing on the pretty... :) Good Luck!

  3. Thanks Ms Parker! I think we're going to be fine. Hubby said that most of the people getting layoff notices will be in the other side of the business from where he is....

    Mariah--I have to. We've had so many ups and downs that if I continued to look down I'd fall/jump off a cliff. :)

  4. Pamela, If you are at the wheel... all will be fine. I am sure Lance can drive too but with you guiding... I expect much goodness to come your way. Lightness comes after the darkness. Hugs.

  5. You're so sweet Kindness. Thank you so much. Light is good---and I see plenty in my future.

  6. Cross my fingers, prayers for you too.

  7. Thanks Paige. I do think we'll be all right--no matter what.


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