This is Amy and Cassie. Amy belongs to my father and Cassie is our dog. According to my father, his dog is partially human and mine, well mine is stoooopid. I took this today as they both longingly watched me eat something. They are beggars of the first order. You can't see her, but my father's tiny beagle is at my feet, also begging.
Night before last our dog got into trouble. She stole and ate half a bag of cat food during the night. In her defense, my father has reduced her food to once a day and she's been getting more exercise than she previously recieved so she's hungrier. Due to her consumption of the cat food, my father declined to feed her that day.
Sooooooo, last night she broke into the box of dog bones that was on the floor by the basement door and finished the entire thing off. There may have been ten to fifteen bones in there. This did not please my father. He chastised her severely.
Of course last week his dog got up on the counter and stole the big loaf of banana bread I'd made and consumed the entire thing. Then she dragged down a loaf of garlic bread but I managed to catch her before she tore into it.
My dog steals food meant for animals. His dog steals human food.
I think his dog might be the smarter one after all.
LOL At that point all animals would become outside creatures and they could eat anything they found out there... Our cats have actually gotten into the bread if they've run out of food. sheesh.