Today he left me a Reeses Peanut Butter heart and a beanie baby bear with a heart that says 'kiss me'
Awwwww, I know. I'd call it cute but Vicus would have a fit again.
Yesterday I took Chris to seminary and then hit the pool. It felt so good. Then I did some grocery shopping on the way home. I baked chocolate chip cookies for lunches and for the guy at Lance's work that gives him a ride home at night most of the time. I don't know what we'd do if he wasn't so kind. It takes a load off of me, that's for sure, especially when Lance is working till 2a.m. and I have to get up at five.
Then I cooked some country style ribs and made my mama's barbecue sauce for them to simmer in. I got it all ready for Lance before he left for work so he could have that and some mashed taters and green salad.
The girls and I went out in search of their Valentine's day cards for school and then I took them for a peach and strawberry frap at their favorite place. Next we drove down by the river where Lance and I go to walk sometimes. It was nice to spend time alone with them. I picked up Steph at work at 8:30, did some grocery shopping for her on the way home and then went back to my laptop to finish up some work for my client in Singapore. I'm just a liiiiiiitle behind on things, but he's fine with it so far. He knows I'm a SAHM and things come up.
Today was nice. I took Chris to seminary and then came home. Lance slept until 11 and then we both drove Steph to work (where I'll pick her up again tonight at 8:30) and then we went to a place we've been DYING to try since we moved here four years ago. It's a barbecue place. Po'boy BBQ I think is the name.
Oh man oh man oh man. They smoke their meat outside in these huge smokers and it was sooo good. I told him that was my Valentine's present to him since I just got paid. He was thrilled with that because he's a freak about BBQ. You could just taste the smoke....and I mean that in a good way.
Then we got the kids some Valentine's presents, came home and hid them in the trunk of the destroyed car in our driveway because those kids know every hiding place in the house and I banged out a couple of articles for my client, put on some laundry (does that ever end?) then I took him into work a bit early because he had to go to medical for something. Girls got home, had snacks, I took them over to church for their achievement days where they tied some quilts to donate to low income families. I love that they are involved in things like that.
And now...back to work before I have to pick up Steph from work again.
I tell ya..this having one car is for the birds. The birds I say.... Sigh. Oh well, there are worse things in life. Ok, back to work. No, this time I really mean it. Honest.
Did I mention that my hubby is the sweetest? I'm so very blessed to have him in my life.
You know something?
ReplyDeleteThe calories are gonna get to ya and we'll reading posts about diets!
The man has NO shame........