I mean what would a birthday be like without a trip to Children's Hospital? Thankfully it was nothing serious. We got the results of Ashley's MRI back and there has been no further brain damage but the Neuro wanted us to go to the lab and get a blood draw and urine sample.
So it's Lance's birthday and that's what we did. Ashley and I had a good conversation about the blood draw.
"MOM! You KNOW I hate needles! Call that doctor back and tell him I HATE NEEDLES!"
"I think the doctor already knows that honey"
"I don't want to do it!"
This is followed by her pretty blue eyes beginning to brim with tears.
"Sweetie, put on your big girl panties, suck it up and get it done"
Now there's a look of shock on her face as if to say how could you NOT sympathize with me when a blood sucking fiend is going to POKE ME AND TAKE SOME OF MY BODILY FLUIDS!!
She then began to pitch a fit and I gave her the 'big girl panty' pep talk again and again and again. I can't get all serious with her because then she really does start to cry.
"Mom you don't understand!"
"Yes, I do. Put on your big girl panties, suck it up and be thankful you live where you can HAVE someone poke you for blood! Do you know how many other little kids don't get to do this and need to do this???"
At any rate, she did it as you can see below.

And except for her trying to get off the chair and run right after he'd swabbed her arm with antiseptic, she did just fine. He was very good at his job and got it in faster than I've ever seen done.
Of course since it was Lance's birthday we also had to go to the Middle School and take care of some business for Allison, our newly minted 7th grader. The school gives each student a laptop to use for the year. Of course we have to pay $100 for the insurance so the whole 'giving' thing doesn't really apply. We spent two hours there this morning. Here she is getting is set up with a school tech and The Birthday Boy looking on in parental pride.

Her cousin Nicole got her laptop there the same day and then she came home with us to my Dad's. Here they both are in all their glory. Laptop Queens.

Now the birthday boy is taking a nap in the bed behind me as I write this blog post. He's so tired and I'm glad he could take a vacation day off work to stay home. I just wish we'd been able to do something better for his big day.
So it's Lance's birthday and that's what we did. Ashley and I had a good conversation about the blood draw.
"MOM! You KNOW I hate needles! Call that doctor back and tell him I HATE NEEDLES!"
"I think the doctor already knows that honey"
"I don't want to do it!"
This is followed by her pretty blue eyes beginning to brim with tears.
"Sweetie, put on your big girl panties, suck it up and get it done"
Now there's a look of shock on her face as if to say how could you NOT sympathize with me when a blood sucking fiend is going to POKE ME AND TAKE SOME OF MY BODILY FLUIDS!!
She then began to pitch a fit and I gave her the 'big girl panty' pep talk again and again and again. I can't get all serious with her because then she really does start to cry.
"Mom you don't understand!"
"Yes, I do. Put on your big girl panties, suck it up and be thankful you live where you can HAVE someone poke you for blood! Do you know how many other little kids don't get to do this and need to do this???"
At any rate, she did it as you can see below.

And except for her trying to get off the chair and run right after he'd swabbed her arm with antiseptic, she did just fine. He was very good at his job and got it in faster than I've ever seen done.
Of course since it was Lance's birthday we also had to go to the Middle School and take care of some business for Allison, our newly minted 7th grader. The school gives each student a laptop to use for the year. Of course we have to pay $100 for the insurance so the whole 'giving' thing doesn't really apply. We spent two hours there this morning. Here she is getting is set up with a school tech and The Birthday Boy looking on in parental pride.

Her cousin Nicole got her laptop there the same day and then she came home with us to my Dad's. Here they both are in all their glory. Laptop Queens.

Now the birthday boy is taking a nap in the bed behind me as I write this blog post. He's so tired and I'm glad he could take a vacation day off work to stay home. I just wish we'd been able to do something better for his big day.
A lap top for junior high kids??? What are they thinking?? I know what I'm thinking...man I wish I lived in that district, the I would probably have one for my job!!! grin. Fun stuff...did he at least get cake??