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I learned it from my daughter. This is Miss Ashley Rose, taken this month at my Aunt Helen's funeral.

Ashley at Autie Helens funeral

If you look closely (and you'd have to look closely because it's not easy to see unless you're looking for it) you'll see that her right hand is paralyzed. My little angel had a stroke in the womb. The right side of her body doesn't work like everyone else's does. She has defined courage for me since her birth 9 short years ago.

Not expected to walk, much less talk, my baby angel is a walking talking miracle with more courage in her little pinky than most have in their entire, healthy bodies.

As most of you know, I've been having some health issues lately. Today I was finally told what's wrong with me. I have Multiple Sclerosis.

I will not let it beat me. I have a courageous little angel who has shown me the way and I will not let her down. I can't.

I can beat this. I will beat this.


  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    your daughter, ma'am, is someone to aspire to be like. follow her lead example. stay positive. live life with joy in you.

  2. If you don't mind, I shall remember you in my prayers.

  3. With your personal arsenal of Faith, Resolve, and Sense of Humour, there is NOTHING on this Earth that is going to get in your way.
    Of this I have no doubts whatsoever.

  4. This needs to be faced with courage, spirit, and humor. Luckily, you seem to be the Northwest U. S. distributor or these qualities.

  5. I love it when people share these sort of real life stories, kinda makes ya feel good and sad all at the same time..........aye!

  6. Oh Pam. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. Merry Christmas to you too. :)

    Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts.

    I'm doing all right. I have a wonderfully supportive family, how could I not?

  8. Pam, I'm just playing guilty catch up so have just read your news. I can only wish you all the best in the world and hope that you're able to draw whatever strength you need from wherever it's available. In the meantime, Merry Christmas and much love and happiness. Take care.

  9. Happy Day Pammy - not sure if mormons celebrate Xmas or not. Re your illness, I ain't much good at sympathy and stuff, but love you babe - take care.
    Btw, the other day I called a feminist 'babe' by mistake, boy did I get balled out.


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