I was tagged to do a MEME.
ACCENT: Pacific Northwest, although I'm not sure it qualifies as having an accent. "
CHORE I DON'T CARE FOR: Cleaning toilets.
DOG OR CAT: I have one doggie and five (yes, five) cats. I love them all
ESSENTIAL ELECTRONICS: Computer, laptop, TV, DVD player, MP3 player, VCR, CD player/stereo, and of course the car stereo
Yves St. Laurent's Opium.
GOLD OR SILVER: Gold, baby!
HANDBAG I haven't carried one for a long time, until my sister in law came for a visit in December, felt sorry for me and purchased a lovely black leather handbag for me. Now I'm stylin'. When I remember to take it with me.
INSOMNIA: I've suffered from it off and on for years. Not so much lately.
JOB TITLE: Homemaker, Humor Columnist, Chauffer, Cook, Maid, Banker, you name it, I do it.
KIDS: 18 yr old girl, 15 yr. old boy, 10 yr. old girl and 8 year old girl.
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Brand spankin' new house with too much stuff in it.
MOST ADMIRABLE TRAIT: Humility. Ha. No, I don't know. People say I'm funny, but I'm not sure if that's funny ha ha or funny weird. I'm still sussing that out.
NAUGHTIEST CHILDHOOD BEHAVIOR: Fed my sister and myself an entire bottle of baby aspirin.
OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: Dang... Juvenile something-or-other when I was 13,Tonsilectomy at age 19, osteomyletis surgery at age 22, Two c-sections, two normal births, gallbladder out...and.....if there's more I've blocked it out.
PHOBIAS: Spiders, Heights, Stupid people and roller coasters.
QUOTE: When I die I'm donating my body to science fiction.
RELIGION: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
SIBLINGS: Older sister, older brother, younger sister
TIME I WAKE UP: 5 ish. Well, that's what time the alarm goes off.
UNUSUAL TALENT OR SKILL: Ummmm. I don't think I have one.
VEGETABLE I REFUSE TO EAT: Cucumber. I do not like them, Sam I am.
WORST TRAIT Procrastination.
X-RAYS: Dental, spinal, heck everything. I now glow in the dark.
YUMMY STUFF I COOK: Spinache quiche, white chocolate cheesecake, lots of other things.
If you read this, YOU'RE IT!!!
ACCENT: Pacific Northwest, although I'm not sure it qualifies as having an accent. "
CHORE I DON'T CARE FOR: Cleaning toilets.
DOG OR CAT: I have one doggie and five (yes, five) cats. I love them all
ESSENTIAL ELECTRONICS: Computer, laptop, TV, DVD player, MP3 player, VCR, CD player/stereo, and of course the car stereo

Yves St. Laurent's Opium.
GOLD OR SILVER: Gold, baby!
HANDBAG I haven't carried one for a long time, until my sister in law came for a visit in December, felt sorry for me and purchased a lovely black leather handbag for me. Now I'm stylin'. When I remember to take it with me.
INSOMNIA: I've suffered from it off and on for years. Not so much lately.
JOB TITLE: Homemaker, Humor Columnist, Chauffer, Cook, Maid, Banker, you name it, I do it.
KIDS: 18 yr old girl, 15 yr. old boy, 10 yr. old girl and 8 year old girl.
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Brand spankin' new house with too much stuff in it.
MOST ADMIRABLE TRAIT: Humility. Ha. No, I don't know. People say I'm funny, but I'm not sure if that's funny ha ha or funny weird. I'm still sussing that out.
NAUGHTIEST CHILDHOOD BEHAVIOR: Fed my sister and myself an entire bottle of baby aspirin.
OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: Dang... Juvenile something-or-other when I was 13,Tonsilectomy at age 19, osteomyletis surgery at age 22, Two c-sections, two normal births, gallbladder out...and.....if there's more I've blocked it out.
PHOBIAS: Spiders, Heights, Stupid people and roller coasters.
QUOTE: When I die I'm donating my body to science fiction.
RELIGION: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
SIBLINGS: Older sister, older brother, younger sister
TIME I WAKE UP: 5 ish. Well, that's what time the alarm goes off.
UNUSUAL TALENT OR SKILL: Ummmm. I don't think I have one.
VEGETABLE I REFUSE TO EAT: Cucumber. I do not like them, Sam I am.
WORST TRAIT Procrastination.
X-RAYS: Dental, spinal, heck everything. I now glow in the dark.
YUMMY STUFF I COOK: Spinache quiche, white chocolate cheesecake, lots of other things.
If you read this, YOU'RE IT!!!
I can't remember all of them.....
Answer, beer to all questions, throw in a few sheilas and the odd kangaroo and koala....
and just ta spice ya life throw in an echidna. There could also be a coolaba and a digererdoo.....Hey I ain't going....not till gum leaves.
Oh there ya go Alice springs into action.
Ya just gotta be an aussie ta appreciate all that.
Hmmm. Interesting. Maybe I'll do it, on a slack day next week. If there is such a thing.
ReplyDeleteso are these words the meme or do we pick a word for every letter of the alphabet? mama's confused.
ReplyDeleteWhitesnake, I got some of that, but not all. I'm a sheila, but not an Aussie.
ReplyDeleteDave, go for it. I'd love to read it.
anna sweetie....my guess is that you take the words as they are and give the answers. That's what I did. Or do whatever you want! Go crazy!
Sorry Pamela, I zoned out after I saw white chocolate cheesecake.....mmmmmmmm delicious
ReplyDeleteI kind of thought you might be CJCLDS. I hope you don't mind when I bash Mitt Romney--it's purely political.
ReplyDeleteNope, I don't mind at all, Paul. It's all good.
ReplyDeleteWhat does CJCLDS stand for, btw? I got the LDS part :)