That would be my son. You can see him, sort of, here in this picture. I'd placed dinner in front of the kids and he took one bite, said there isn't any cheese on the macaroni and then took off like....well, a flash. I managed to catch just a glimpse of him as he sped away.

I swear that kid can move like the wind when he wants to. In the morning getting ready for school? Fugetaboutit. It's as though someone poured molasses into his veins and the temperature has dropped below freezing.
Ah yes, but when it suits him, he's like greased lightening.

I swear that kid can move like the wind when he wants to. In the morning getting ready for school? Fugetaboutit. It's as though someone poured molasses into his veins and the temperature has dropped below freezing.
Ah yes, but when it suits him, he's like greased lightening.
A Just HOW does one Grease lightening?