So, let me see if I've got this right. They want to kill, massacre and behead people for drawing insulting cartoons about their religion.
I think I work up to a barely noticable miff when my religion is depicted in unflattering terms. I've yet to get the urge to slaughter. Perhaps I should work on that. I'm quite certain I can rise to a mildly disturbed state if I work at it long enough.
Naw. Not worth the effort.
they feel justified in killing people. their passions, their history, etc, makes it right in their eyes. in situations like these, one removes the passion, the programming and one can easily see that killing is wrong. period. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. i cringe for those who follow islam and do not buy into this extremist view.
ReplyDeleteI agree. What bothers me is the Islamic populations outrage over these cartoons and their lack of outrage over their members beheading innocent people. Why aren't they protesting those things? Where is their outrage and anger over 9/11?
ReplyDeletei can't help but wonder what they were told to not be outraged over 911, or maybe they are outraged but you cannot do the cartoons too? who knows? i have yet to meet two christians, two jews, two buddhists, two whatever that approach their religions the same way. thanks for worrying about me by the way. i'm touched.