Now my life is complete. I have become..... A Whovian.

Dr. Who is gearing up for it's 50th Anniversary show. I can't wait.
Curse you, David Tennant. I can't seem to quit you. Em, what I mean to say is, thanks for the lovely distraction you give me from the struggles of day to day life. I tell my children we should get a Tardis. They roll their eyes. It's ok. Not everyone can love a show as much as another person. I think it's good to take a mental vacation sometimes.
David isn't just some fly-by-night actor, oh no. This gem of a man is a critically acclaimed actor, part of the RSC, the Royal Shakespeare Club. His Hamlet will bring you to tears. His bit on the Catherine Tate Show as the ghost of Christmas present, is one of my favorite pieces, and not just because he dances. Ok, that's partly it, but still. He's amazingly versatile. And what a wonderful family man. He adopted the son of his wife and they have had two more children together.
One day I hope to see him perform live in a play. This means I'll have to start saving my pennies for a trip to England.
And here is one of my favorite clips of Mr. David Tennant.
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