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Viruses and Energizer Mommy


Ashley rested on the examining table today at the pediatrician's. We were trying to find out if her seizure med levels were in acceptable limits or were they out of whack and causing her headaches and bouts of dizzy-whirly-fun.

So far so good. They think it might just be a virus.

I was happy with that. A virus is fine with me. A virus doesn't cause permanent harm. I'm good with that. Very good. Yay virus!

And now, to fall into bed. Another long day. When I got home this evening around 9 my father said, "Do you ever stop?"

Sorry, no. I'm the energizer mommy...I keep going and going and going and going and going.. and well, you get the picture.



  1. Poor Ashely... Please give her a big hug for me! I hope she feels better soon. And yes! Yey for the virus!!
    Go energizer mama!!

  2. A virus can really knock you down a notch. I just got over a mild one that sent me napping up to twice a day.

    I am not the energizer-anything even on a good day. Good thing there are folks like you out there!

  3. Satoko, YES! Yay for the virus! I'll take that over anything else for her any day. I'll give her that hug from you. I know she'll appreciate it. She misses your cute little boy.

    Kindness, sorry to hear you've been ill. That's never fun. As for being the energizer-anything, neither am I. Most days I'd kill for a nap but I don't have that option. At least not now in this phase of my life. I've never been gone so much in my life. Driving, etc.

  4. i know.
    somedays i want a nap so bad i almost start crying. but there's always somewhere to be and to do...

    i hope ashley perks up soon!

  5. To every thing there is a season, eh?! I just finally caught up on your blog, as I'm sure you will be able easily figure out by my many 'comments' left. I have had a cold and busy with my mom, but that is all a story for another time..we really need to catch and someday, hopefully soon, we will be able to do just that! Just remember that with everything, you have CHOSEN to be happy!!! Loves...

  6. I soooooo get that. Yesterday I had an interpreter appt at 3, finished at 4, picked the kids up and went home. Made dinner, bathed Ash, took Ally to swim lessons (ate MY dinner while she was in lessons), dropped ally at my sisters to go to Ash's Reflections ceremony, picked ally up again, went home walked the dog, cleaned the kitchen and then fell into bed. But I'd rather be busy than not. :)


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