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I'm Sick. And the election isn't helping.

I spoke too soon about feeling better. My grandson was delightful enough to share his virus with me, so I've spent the past five days losing everything from both ends. It hasn't been pretty.

As a weight loss program though...

At least one end of me has stopped spewing. Now I wait for the other end to stop pretending to be filled with hot lava and erupting without much notice. Sorry, this is what is called over-sharing. Apparently I'm very good at it. You're welcome.

Last night I walked around the block with hubby and our adorable puppy. It was the first time I've been out of the house in five days. It was lovely, even though I was very shaky. Today I actually tried to accomplish something. I sat at my jewelry table, moved my seaglass around. Picked up pieces and played them through my hands. Such beautfy that came from something considered useless garbage and tossed away. I love my sea glass. It gives me the happies.

I also had a severe case of Jewelry Block. It's like Writers Block, but with my jewelry. I pushed pieces around, I played with them, I lined some things up, then put them away. I could not see in my minds eye what it was I wanted to create. It wasn't coming to me. It never came to me. So I got up and left it alone. I thought I'd write a bit on the three novels I've got going at once.

Yeah, that's not working either. Usually my mind is going in all directions at once, so many projects and ideas and things flying at top speed through my gray matter. Now I've got a big blank wall. Zero. Nada. There isn't even any grafitti on it.

I was just sick again so maybe it's time I took a nap.

Perhaps it's our political climate that's made me ill. And the fact that I was forced to choose from a pool of ill equipped, nacissitic, lying, cheating, mysoginistic, morally bankrupt candidates. This election is absolutely the worst I can ever remember. If these are the best our nation can put forward to led us, then we are indeed in deep trouble. I know that the majority of hearts in this nation are good and kind. Why can't our leaders reflect that?

Ok, back to my weight loss program. Ta.


  1. oh my friend...I didn't see this post for some reason. I totally agreed with you!!! UGH. And I so thought that once the election was over things would calm down... nada. sigh. I sooo hope you are feeling better!!! I've been thinking about you a lot, and you have been in my prayers.
    I hope you are seeing some signs of spring, though I think you're going to be wet again this week. I would love to see some of your jewelry, have you posted any pictures of it? And I don't know if you noticed, (no idea if you read my blog) but I've published (again...sigh) my book series on Amazon. I'm thinking of sending a copy to you... :) that way I can have (hopefully) kind criticism of the silliness of it all...
    Take care!!


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