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Over active tear ducts

Sundays are always special days for me---going to church and feeling the fellowship there. Being among good people, with caring hearts. My heart was full today, as I sat in Sacrament meeting and the hymns played. My heart was so full that it over-filled my eyes and spilled down my face.

I could not stop crying. They were not tears of despair. They were part heartfelt prayer of gratitude for my blessings and part sorrow at circumstances beyond my control. We have been incredibly blessed these past two months. One elderly sister was making a dinner for family---and made an extra pan of it for someone, but she didn't know who. It was for us. She had prayed that morning that she might be of service to someone in need. It was on a night where I'd spent about 12 hours working in the house, trying to fit the four of us into just the upstairs of the house. I was wiped out, exhausted to the point of tears (I have very weak tear ducts)and nearly unable to stand one more minute. The phone call came---we were blessed.

I stopped one day to visit some friends. After talking, and sharing, my overly sensitive tear ducts began spilling over once again. I was humbled by their gift---panicked and torn---not wanting to take the help they offered so tenderly. Their kindness saved us and brought us to our knees in gratitude once again.

My husband's cousin showed up unexpectedly yesterday. He had been to Costco and he arrived bearing a large box----far too much chocolate that is good for us, plus frozen vegetables, bread, and other things. I cried. Of course I cried. It seems to be what I do lately.

Not tears of sorrow and despair, but tears brought forth by the angels Heavenly Father has placed in our path.

A card arrived in our mail last week. Inside was written a sweet note and $100. There was no signature, there was no return address. Nothing that will enable me to say thank you, to write a note and express my humble appreciation for being inspired and acting upon that inspiration. For being God's hands on this earth.

I am so very humbled, grateful, lifted and blessed. We have felt the prayers lifted on our behalf. We have known great sorrow, and continue to travel down those paths, but we do not walk alone. Our burden is lighter for being shared. Our hearts are lifted.

Thank you.


  1. I can't help but smile reading this. Not because I'm happy for your difficulties, not because I'm glad to know you too are a boob with over active tear ducts, but happy to know that goodness still exists in the world, that there are people trying to be disciples of Jesus Christ, who live worthy of inspiration and that God showed that he is aware of you and your family. Sorry, can't help but smile. :)

    1. Did you just call me a boob??? :)


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