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I love animals....

Even most of the human ones, although for the purposes of this blog post, I am referring to actual animals.

Like my doggie Cassie. She's a sweet soul, wouldn't harm anyone but would perhaps lick you to death should you break into our home to steal our valuables. She's about five years old, a lab and hound mix. This morning she came up to me with her rawhide bone and wanted to play Gimme Dat Bone!. She faux growls at us as we try to get the bone from her. We chase her around the house and if we manage to get the bone, we toss it and she races off after it.

Here she is wanting to play...

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Another game she was playing with me this morning was Please Put Me Out Before I Puke On Your Carpeting Again. I seem to have won that round at least. Sadly, I've lost most others.

Ah yes, the joys of pet ownership.


  1. Sometimes you just have a "Dog day Afternoon"

  2. Am I the only person on the planet who can never see the pix you post?

    Glad you won this round of the throwing up on your carpet game....

  3. awwwww, woofie!
    our dogs EAT those things. to heck with playing, you don't even get a fake chance at stealing the rawhide bone. they snuffle and whiffle over those things until they're just a wad of goop.
    congrats on the Teenagers' good choice of school! byu is supposed to be an excellent educational environment.
    did you get snowed on last week?

  4. Whitesnake, ain't that the truth?

    Within, I don't understand how come you can't see my pictures. I use photobucket. I'm confused.

    FN, I hear ya on the dogs making those things slimy globs of goo. That's when I stop playing the game. Can't stand to touch it then.
    Yes, my girl made an excellent decision. And no we didn't get snow but we got the bejeebers blown out of us again. Fun winter we're having, eh?

  5. Happy New Year sweet Pammy. May it be relatively dog puke free for you and your famileee.

  6. Thank you Tommy. The same to you and yours.


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