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Caption Contest

I've decided to hold a Caption Contest for the following photograph.

Anyone? Anyone?


  1. (groan) Where's my Metamucil?

  2. Pammy, where the **** did you get that from? God that was a good day!
    luv u babe, or have you gone right off me now.

  3. Still love you tons Tommy old boy. Shhhh, don't tell vicus, but I stole it from him!

    I'd prefer a more recent snap though. Want to share?

  4. An unidentified red-haired woman, right, salutes serial murderer Charlie Manson (left) while Microsoft founder Bill Gates (centre) embraces the couple at his niece's birthday party.

  5. OK what was really being said here, and I should know, was... The girl on the right was saying, 'Whose the gorgeous guy on your right'.
    The guy in the middle was saying, 'How wonderful to meet up again after all these years?',
    And the guy on the right was saying, 'God, look at all these chics, if I don't get laid tonight I don't deserve to ever get laid'.

  6. Old hippies forget their principles and sue vicious old trout for ripping off private gallery.

  7. Ooooh Pammy, I think you've upset the Vickster!

  8. unbeknownst to dewey, the undercover cop, his obviously uncomfortable peace sign and screaming tie dye shirt screamed 'undercover cop' at the LOVE NOW hippie compound.


  9. "I order the mushroom soup, next thing you know I wake up three days later after seeing Blair Brown as a naked sphinx and I'm the designated driver at a Dead concert."

  10. I think being called a vicious old trout is worse than being called an old cabbage.

    I'll have to let Carmenzta know.

  11. The Dangers of LSD!

    The guy on the left, let's call him Tom: Woah, man. Every time I open my eyes I swear I can see a psychedilc 6ft rabbit.

  12. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Osama Bin Laden is embraced by a peace activist while his 3rd? 4th? wife looks on....

  13. "Why I Never Went to Woodstock"?


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