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Backpacking Accident

I had a backpacking accident over the weekend which has left me somewhat injured in body and of course, pride. It wouldn't have been so bad if my clumsy fall hadn't been seen by my husband. I will say this, he's good in a sprint. He saw me go down and got to me so fast I couldn't believe it. He was trying to lift me up and I batted him away and asked him to please go get some ice, preferabley two ice packs. One for my leg and one for my backside. He made sure I was all right then he went downstairs to the freezer to retrieve the ice for me.

I'd tripped over my teenagers backpack and fallen in her room.

That doesn't mean I'm not in pain, people! My left leg went straight out in front of me, my right knee bent and slammed into the carpet and I sort of rolled over onto my rear end.

This reminds me that I need to put a DANGER sign on her door for furture reference.

Did I mention ouch? Ouch. And Owie. Oh yeah, I have a nasty cold too. Will someone play a violin for me now? Someone? Anyone?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Well I'm glad to see the ballet lessons are paying off! :runs:

  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    At least it wasn't a lawn chair this time.

  4. Hi! Been there, done that - ;) I tripped over my kids shoe in the hall one day and totally wreaked my knee. I still have problems with it. I wish my hubby had been home to help, but he wasn't. I enjoyed your blog, and hope to be able to figure out how to attach it to mine. A little slow in that aspect...any help you can give would be great. Have a good one!

  5. Yes, well I had to be rooting for the home team, right? I had a feeling they weren't going to win.

    Thanks for posting a comment here. Sorry to hear about your fall. No fun, are they?


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