Hello world! Schools out, I'm supposed to be 'out' until September but somehow I keep needing to head into work for just one more thing. Which is fine---I'm thankful to have a job. We went camping this weekend. Normally my idea of 'roughing' it would mean I go somewhere where cell coverage is just a wee bit spotty--this place was roughing it and THEN some. But first a little about our nearly 12 hour drive to get to the middle of nowhere. And I when I say nowhere , I really mean it. This was nowhere in a BIG way. In a bear, rattlesnake and coyote kind of way. Where the mosquitos were the size of Boeing 787's but with better take off and landing capabilities. We went to Lake Ellen. Don't ask where it is--just know that if you want to experience nature without all the nasty ammenities like showering, flushing a toilet or getting a cell signal, this is your kind of place. First we followed this man. Yeah, yeah ok. I used the Alien Booth app...
A wife, a mother, a Humor Columnist, Chef, Sea Glass jewelry maker and Author's babblings on life. It's like this...