Yes...he's on his way home right now. I hope. He's had to work overtime a few nights this week and I know it's been hard on him. I figured since he had to work--so did I. So I just finished up another eBook and some articles for some clients. I'm sure the dog is upset with me because I've had the light on all night. I can tell because she keeps heaving these huge sighs of discontent from her doggie bed in the corner. Tomorrow is Friday....oh wait. It's today already. It's been a long week. Chris had some surgery on his foot on Wednesday. Lance went with him as I've seen enough blood and gore for awhile. He even took some pictures which I won't share with you because again--I've seen enough ick. You should thank me, as those pictures were horrible. Chris is recovering quite nicely and I'm sure he'll be back to jumping on the trampoline soon. I've had my bedroom window open all day as I've sat here and worked. My blinds ...
A wife, a mother, a Humor Columnist, Chef, Sea Glass jewelry maker and Author's babblings on life. It's like this...