I needed a cocktail badly yesterday. Quite badly. But Pamela, you don't even drink! You're right, I don't. And this wasn't just any kind of cocktail either. It was a GI cocktail, the kind you can only get at your local emergency room, after sitting for hours in agony, being poked and prodded numerous times and having some young ER doc ask you what you ate that you should not have eaten. The GI cocktail consists of a liquid painkiller, a muscle relaxant and lidocaine (you know, the numbing agent) all suspeneded in a lovely maalox solution. It comes in a plastic cup instead of a beautiful crystal glass, but that's just fine with me. I would have gulped a dozen of them if I'd had them near. I should have gone the the ER yesterday. Instead, I spent the entire day in agony, in bed, curled up and trying not to breathe too deeply. Today I feel like a truck ran over me, backed up and did it a few more times. It's not too fun when your entire system goes into...
A wife, a mother, a Humor Columnist, Chef, Sea Glass jewelry maker and Author's babblings on life. It's like this...